CZ LOKO will upgrade four more American C30 locomotives in Estonia


CZ LOKO signed a contract with the Estonian national carrier Operail (formerly EVR Cargo) for the supply of packets for a comprehensive upgrade of four more C30 locomotives to Class C30-M. The contract was signed in the first half of January and will increase the number of upgraded locomotives of this class from three to seven.

The continuing upgrade of C30-M locomotives confirms the popularity of CZ LOKO upgrade projects also in the Baltic region, especially in terms of reliability and cost effectiveness. There are already 123 locomotives from our production operating in the Baltics,” says Jan Kutálek, Sales Director of CZ LOKO.

The company is involved in the upgrade by supplying new packets, i.e. all structural components located above the level of the main frame of the locomotive. For example, Operail will be supplied with diesel engine blocks with alternators, cabs, hoods, cooling systems, brake systems or control blocks. It is basically a modular structure that can be used to upgrade almost any locomotive.

The first C30-M locomotive was produced by an upgrade last year and, after demanding trial operation, it received all approvals necessary for its regular operation.

It is a six-axle diesel-electric vehicle upgraded from the original American C30 locomotive manufactured by General Electric. It is designed for heavy shunting or line service on lines and sidings with a 1520mm gauge. It is powered by a CAT 3512C 1550kW engine with AC/DC power transfer. Compared to the original locomotive, it has a hood unit type structure with a turret cab, which significantly improves the driver’s view.

C30-M leden 2019


C30-M leden 2019

